Dr Julian Pepperell
Director of Ocean Health Foundation, Research Committee
Brief info
Julian is an independent fisheries researcher, consultant and marine science writer. He was senior biologist at the New South Wales Fisheries Department for 15 years, specializing in marine recreational fisheries before forming his own research company in 1991.
Julian has conducted numerous research projects in partnership with the private and Government sectors on most aspects of recreational fisheries – with particular emphasis on billfish, tuna and pelagic sharks. He also co-supervises post-graduate students at many Australian and US universities.
He sits on several Australian Government advisory committees including the Tropical Tuna and Billfish Resource Assessment Group and was a recent member of the National Expert Scientific Panel on Commonwealth Marine Reserves
Julian is a past President of the Australian Society for Fish Biology, recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from The Billfish Foundation, a Conservation Award from the International Game Fish Association (IGFA) and was recently inducted into the IGFA Hall of Fame.
He has authored several books including ‘Fishes of the Open Ocean: A natural history and illustrated guide’ which won the Royal Zoological Society’s Whitley Award for Australia’s Best Natural History book of 2010. The book was also short listed for the Queensland Premier’s Literary Awards in the same year.
Julian has authored or co-authored over 120 scientific papers, reports and book chapters. He has also published more than 170 feature articles and 850 columns in fishing-related magazines, translating and interpreting marine and fisheries science to the general public.