Dr Evan Jones

Director of Ocean Health Foundation, Research Committee Chairman

Brief info

Dr Evan Jones has had 20+ years experience in the development of Marine Reserves policy formulation at a state and national level with authorship of a number of policy documents that have been adopted as policy for Game Fishing Association of Australia and for the Queensland Game fishing Association and have also had input into the Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation policy and representation on Marine Reserves.

Evan originally became involved in marine reserve/parks management and implementation through the GBRMPA process and then started the work on the Australian Marine Parks/Reserves process during the Howard government years. An involvement and commitment that continues to today.

With a strong interest in science based marine management and the effects of Climate change, pollution and fishing pressure on marine systems, Evan has a long term commitment to the implementation and efficient management of marine reserves to achieve high quality conservation outcomes while balancing the needs and aspirations of user groups such as tourism , diving ,recreational ,charter and commercial fishing.

Evan currently holds the position of Conservation Officer and Executive member for Game Fishing Association of Australia (GFAA) and through GFAA have input into the Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation (ARFF). Previously, he has held positions as Conservation Officer for the Queensland Game Fishing Association.

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